A WARNDON man brandished a large serrated knife and told a terrified victim he would kill him, Worcester magistrates have heard.

The court heard how Christopher Finch dragged a knife across his throat and told Ian Knowles that "he was dead" during an incident on Sunday, May 5.

Doreece Gunter, prosecuting, told magistrates the incident started when Mr Knowles had visited a friend who lived a few doors away from Finch in Woodmancote, Warndon.

She said that Mr Knowles had been talking to his friend when the defendant approached him and asked his name. Then Finch told him to follow him back to his house.

But she added when Mr Knowles got to the house, Finch appeared with a screwdriver in his hand and became abusive.

"The defendant accused Mr Knowles of beating up another man and started to wave a screwdriver he was holding in his right hand," she said.

"Mr Knowles did not respond and went back to his friend's house. But later that day he approached the defendant to clear the air, but found him "shaking violently."

She said the defendant had then returned with the knife and drew it across his throat.

"He then ran at Mr Knowles who ran to his friend's house," she added.

"When he got there the defendant was stood at the end of the drive, still saying 'you're dead.'"

During yesterday's hearing, the 38-year-old fork-lift truck driver admitted using threatening and abusive behaviour.

Mark Shewerd, defending, said his client believed Mr Knowles had attacked a youth and added that the complainant had made some provocation.

"My client denies having the screwdriver and the situation was made out to be a lot more serious than it was," he said.

Finch was ordered to serve a two-year community rehabilitation order and pay £59 costs.