A WORCESTER mother who abandoned her half-naked four-year-old son for nearly a day while she partied with her lover has been sentenced to a community rehabilitation order.

The 24-year-old, who can not be named for legal reasons, had her child taken from her following the incident. She was sentenced to an 18-month order by Worcester magistrates.

The court heard how the youngster was found by a passer-by wandering partially clothed, crying and calling for his mother in Warndon Villages at 3.50pm on Wednesday, January, 23.

However, the mother failed to collect the boy until 7pm, nearly 24 hours after telling him to stay in his bedroom so she could meet her partner in Le Mango nightclub.

Magistrates heard how the mother then went back to her lover's flat where she did not wake up until 3.30pm on the Wednesday. But she then stayed with him to discuss their relationship.

Doreece Gunter, prosecuting, told magistrates that when the mother was caught she tried to escape prosecution by claiming she had been raped, but later admitted she was lying.

"When police spoke to her she said 'I am going to be in a lot of trouble for this aren't I?' and added that she did not want her baby to be taken from her," she said.

"Her boyfriend rang her at 10.35pm wanting her to meet him in town to discuss their relationship, which she agreed to do because she was afraid he would go off with another woman."

The mum, who is undergoing an interim care order to improve her parenting skills, admitted child cruelty.

Barry Newton, defending, said his client was emotionally vulnerable at the time and was under pressure from her partner to meet him.

He added she was doing all she could with social services to ensure her fostered son could be returned to her.

"She was vulnerable which led to her acting in such an out-of-character way," he said.

"At some time in the future when, and only when the authorities are happy, her son will be returned to her because that would be best for him."

"A lot of work has been done to help my client get her life back on an even keel. All that would be negated if she was sent to custody."