A WORCESTER "car fanatic" who was caught three times driving while disqualified has been jailed for five months.

City magistrates heard how 18-year-old Scott Howard was banned from driving last September, but was spotted driving in the Warndon and Newtown area of the city in June.

While sentencing, magistrates told the teenager custody was the only remaining option after he had repeatedly flouted his ban, a community punishment and a rehabilitation order.

Doreece Gunter, prosecuting, told the court how Howard had been seen by police driving a Ford Sierra on Monday, June 24, at the Warndon's Tesco petrol station, and again the following day at Canterbury Road.

But she added that despite being on bail for the two offences, he was again caught on Friday, June 28, driving along another city street.

"Police had been notified the defendant was driving his car by someone living in the vicinity," she said.

"He admitted driving the car in a subsequent interview."

During yesterday's hearing, Howard - of Carlisle Road, Newtown - admitted all three counts of driving while disqualified and driving without insurance.

Louise Hooker, defending, said her client had failed to grasp the seriousness of the offences and had succumbed to temptation.

She added that up until last year Howard had been a person of good character, but had got into trouble, which had resulted in him being thrown out of his home by his parents.

This, she said, had left him to fall into "bad company".

"My impression of my client is that he has been very naive," she said.

"He has not fully recognised the seriousness of his position and the implications that his actions could have for other road users.

"He has a fascination with cars and succumbed to temptation.

"His parents felt he could not stay at home and was left homeless. But he has now moved in with his girlfriend and no longer hangs around with the same crowd."

As well as imprisonment, magistrates ordered that Howard be banned from driving for two years.