A SECURITY guard who led police on a terrifying chase around the streets of Kidderminster has been jailed for four months.

Harminder Rai, who had been drinking, followed another motorist off a pub carpark after claiming he had given him dirty looks.

But when David Morris stopped at a friend's house and alerted police, Rai drove off and then re-emerged without his lights on, Worcester Crown Court heard.

Prosecutor John Maxwell described a six-minute pursuit when speeds of up to 70mph were reached.

Rai, aged 36, drove on to pub car parks in a bid to shake off patrol cars and a number of pedestrians had to get out of the way. He also went through a red light.

He was eventually stopped when police blocked his route in Woodfield Crescent.

Rai, of Mount Road, Portobello, Willenhall, pleaded guilty to dangerous driving. He still faces a trial before magistrates, accused of failing to provide a specimen of breath.

"This was an appalling piece of driving which could have killed somebody," said Judge Michael Mott, who also banned him from driving for two years.

Witnesses in The Watermill pub in Kidderminster told police he had drunk numerous lagers and was swaying on his feet when he left, said Mr Maxwell.

Defence counsel Ranjit Lallie said Rai was the sole carer for his 75-year-old father who suffered from heart problems and diabetes.

He also assisted at a local temple handing out food to the elderly.

Mr Lallie said he disputed the speed, although he was clearly in the wrong, and alcohol had played a part.

Rai had previous convictions for driving with excess alcohol, indecent assault, affray and damaging property.