A MOTORIST was sprayed in the face and robbed of her handbag by robbers who followed her to her car in Hereford.

Shane Hammett and two accomplices had followed Hazel Mussell to a car park - and struck as she opened the driver's door.

Police found Hammett's fingerprints on the car but he tried to set up an alibi, said John Maxwell, prosecuting at Worcester Crown Court.

The victim, who was also punched in the face during the mugging, was left extremely nervous and frightened to go out unaccompanied.

She was now "consumed by irrational fears and traumatised", said Mr Maxwell.

Hammett, aged 20, of Old School Lane, Hereford, admitted robbery.

Sentencing him to three years and nine months detention, Judge Michael Mott said: "This was a terrifying attack by a group of young men on a lone woman, taking her by surprise."

The trio targeted the victim on Monday, December 3 last year around 5pm. The other two robbers have not been caught.

Hammett became involved in the incident a fortnight after magistrates gave him a conditional discharge for shoplifting.

David Iles, defending, said the crime was a joint enterprise and Hammett insisted his hand was not on the irritant spray.

His life had descended into chaos after was discharged from the Army for carrying a replica gun.

He became rootless, drinking up to 14 pints of beer a day and spent much of his existence in an alcoholic haze.

Mr Iles said on his release from jail he was planning to leave the area and begin a new life.