RAY Woods has had a hectic six months since being charged with bringing Worcester City's youth programme up to scratch but admits it has exceeded his expectations to date.

His first batch of youngsters have all made significant strides as they bid for success in the professional and semi professional game and trials for the next group start at half-term in February.

The scheme run by City with Worcester College of Technology, offers 16 talented footballers the chance of a football career and also an academic qualification in sports science to fall back on.

City's youth team plays in the Worcester Premier Division and the Midland Floodlit League, and have lost just four times in 26 matches but it is not about results according to Woods, City's youth development officer.

"It's about producing players for the first team over the next two years," he said.

"If there's no one breaking into the team I'm not doing my job. I've tried to instil belief in the players to win every game but what matters to me is performance and the things we work on every day.

"When I look at the group now compared to when they first started they have made good progress. In terms of passing, keep-ball and training they are all vastly improved."

The youngsters have some of the best facilities available and split their days between college and football.

"I was a pro for 14 years and the vast majority of clubs I was at didn't have the facilities that these lads have," said Woods.

Ultimately the youngsters are going to have to make the step up to senior football but that is more a mental process than a physical one according to Woods.

"If you put youngsters in they look as quick, sometimes quicker than the first teamers but it what's going on in their head that counts.

"Chris Greenman, who I played with at Coventry, has never been the quickest of players but he is mentally sharp and never gets caught out.

"It is how you play the game that counts, the easy part is getting quick and fit but to make the step up you have to have a footballing brain."

Anyone interested in the course can contact Ray Woods at St George's Lane on 01905 23003 or Worcester College of Technology.