WORCESTER Cathedral will be bedecked with posies in the Chapter House and pedestals in the nave as part of the Three Choirs Fringe Festival.

Thirty groups of flower arrangers are taking part in the Golden Jubilee Festival of Flowers, including the Women's Institute, Mother's Union and the Cathedral's own Flower Guild.

The displays have titles such as Peacefulness, Reflections, Kenya 1952, Salut D'amour and Golden Achievement.

"What more glorious way to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of our Queen than posies and pedestals bedecking our Cathedral," said Reverend Canon Dr Alvyn Pettersen.

The flower festival runs from 9am to 5pm until Friday, and tickets, priced £5, are available from the North and Priors doors.

Also on the Fringe today, eight to 12-year-olds re-enact the last moments of the fierce Queen Boudicca.

There will be the chance to take part in a Romans versus the Britons fashion show, try on Roman armour, train as a gladiator and experience everyday Roman life.

For more information, call the Museum of Local Life, on Friar Street, on 01905 722349.