YOUTHS who speed past unsuspecting shoppers on bikes and skateboards in Bromsgrove High Street could face expensive compensation claims if they cause an injury, a local sight organisation warned this week.

A sign, which states cyclists are forbidden in the pedestrianised area of High Street, has failed to deter youngsters who ride their bikes and skateboards in the area.

But a police spokeswoman said, technically, if someone was struck in the street it could amount to an assault.

A spokeswoman for the Worcestershire Association for the Blind, Rhian Thompson, voiced her concerns.

"Every pedestrian is at risk, not only those who are visually impaired.

"Youngsters should use the designated areas for their skateboards but if they insist on using the busy High Street then they should take more care and take other pedestrians into account or there could be serious consequences.

"If they did injure someone there would be an expensive compensation claim."

Bromsgrove District Council's head of technical services and community safety, John Moody, said the authority could not make any enforcements.

He added: "There are requisite signs and an order has been put in place but if people want to make a complaint they should take the matter up with the police."

The police spokeswoman added: "We regularly have town centre officers patrolling the streets to warn youths to get off their bikes.

"But many might not realise they are actually committing a public order offence.

"They don't seem to understand how frightening it is for pedestrians who don't have the same mobility as themselves."