A PREGNANT mum was kicked in the ribs and knocked unconscious in her house after grappling with a six-foot intruder intent on stealing her handbag.

Terrified Liz Coulson feared the worst for her unborn baby when her head was smashed against a wall and her chest booted when she fell to the floor yesterday morning.

The 21-year-old - who is six months pregnant - regained consciousness, stayed calm and dialled 999 at around 10.20am.

Ms Coulson, a manager at Ladbrokes, was given the all-clear by doctors at Cheltenham General Hospital, after a further two-hour ordeal, before phoning partner Andy Pickering to say their baby was safe.

The couple, who moved into Evesham's quiet West Street less than three months ago, had left the front door open for fresh air.

Police described the attack as a "particularly despicable offence".

The intruder, who was in his 40s, was wearing a red Manchester United top and soaking wet. He spoke with a Birmingham accent and asked her if she knew where a man called David lived.

As she started to speak, he lunged to snatch her handbag from a hook on the wall, but she wrestled with him and grabbed it back.

The olive-skinned, unshaven attacker flung her against the wall and kicked her hard in the ribs before running off. She blacked out.

"I was angry because I thought everything I've got, my money, is all in that bag," said Ms Coulson, whose three-year-old daughter Lola was not in the house.

"I thought 'no, you're not having it'. I could've been out for five or ten minutes. I phoned the police and they were here in minutes."

Shocked Mr Pickering - who was delivering for Kerry Foods in Banbury - said they had moved to be near his brother and friends. He praised Ms Coulson's bravery.

"She phoned me to say she'd been attacked," he said. "I was shook up and worried for her and the baby. I just hoped the baby hadn't been affected."

The 34-year-old said the two were hoping to marry soon. The all-clear had given his partner a good reason to celebrate her birthday next week.

Anyone with information on the attack is asked to contact PC Phil Rushen on 01905 723888, quoting crime reference c/609788, or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.