KEEN anglers across Worcester are rallying round a volunteer youth worker's bid to clamp down on illegal fishing at County Hall and encourage bored youngsters to take up the sport competitively.

Dave Yeomans from Ronkswood Community Centre has been "overwhelmed" by the citywide generosity he has so far received, after he appealed for fishing tackle in the Evening News last week.

The keen fisherman already runs a successful club, based at the Canterbury Drive Community Centre, with up to 18 youngsters regularly swapping the Ronkswood estate for open countryside every Saturday.

His first hurdle to overcome was to find extra equipment and now just a week into his appeal, he wants to say a big thank you to all those who have donated items.

"One person in St Peter's gave a few rods, a seat box, carp net, umbrellas, and tubes just for starters," said Mr Yeomans.

Altogether so far, I've had around an extra four fishing umbrellas, around five rods and five reels and I've still got other phone calls from people I've not managed to phone back yet."

Backed by his local beat bobby Liz Northcott he is hoping to steer trouble away from the hotspot by finding further dates to take more youngsters fishing.


The father-of-two is hoping to receive possible funding from the county council for these extra dates and eventually wants to create one big club.

"When you get this response and have people taking the effort to drive from Dines Green to drop off tackle you realise there is still a community spirit out there," said Mr Yeomans.

"It'll make it all the more easy to set up extra fishing dates and get more kids off the estate."

The Punch Bowl pub in Ronkswood and Alan's Tackle shop in St John's have both provided pools for the children to use.

The 55-year-old carer believes the problems at County Hall are finally being tackled and could see wildlife better protected and help put an end to acts of vandalism

Anyone interested in donating towards the fishing initiative can leave a message for Mr Yeomans at Ronkswood Community Centre on 01905 359578.