HUNDREDS of thousands of pounds worth of travel vouchers are "sitting in cupboards" at Worcestershire Royal Hospital because those entitled to them are not asking for them.

Members of the Worcester and District Community Health Council heard how £330,000 worth of bus vouchers had been given to the Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust allowing patients, relatives, and staff to travel to the hospital free.

The vouchers also enable allow travel between The Alexandra Hospital in Redditch and Kidderminster Hospital.

However, members of the council, which acts as a watchdog for the trust, heard chairwoman Lynda Bagley warn that failing to use the vouchers would result in the scheme being scrapped.

"The crunch will be next year, because if the vouchers aren't used, they will cease," she said.

"It's in everyone's interest to make sure they are used."

Vice-chairman Pat Merrick said many vouchers were sitting in cupboards on the wards because those who were entitled to them simply did not know they existed.

She added with the change-over of hospitals earlier this year, many patients and visitors did not realise that the vouchers were still available.

"I understand they are locked in cupboards on wards because people don't know about them," she said.

Head of corporate affairs at the trust Libby Mellor, told the committee that efforts were being made to ensure people were aware of the vouchers, which included a major advertising campaign. Extra marketing was also planned.

After the meeting, trust spokeswoman Janet Marie Clark said last year's campaign to promote the vouchers had been an "extremely active".

"When the scheme was launched, all departments were notified to ensure it was successful," she said.

"A new campaign promoting the availability of the vouchers is planned for the future."