A THERAPIST from Welland has been named student practitioner of the year by the School of Alternative Medicine.

Fiona Prew, who runs her own mobile practice in Worcestershire and is currently working at the Splash in Malvern as a sports and exercise therapist, was nominated by an examination board after obtaining a post graduate diploma in reflexology from the Sussex-based school.

Miss Prew was delighted with her excellent results, which, she said, took a lot of hard work.

She was required to complete 200 hours of clinical practice in reflexology and is taking part in at the London Endoreflex study, which aims to scientifically prove the positive effects of this form of alternative medicine.

Every organ in the body is linked to a particular area on the feet, and reflexologists treat medical complaints by applying direct pressure to the part of the foot linked to the problem, said Miss Prew.

Miss Prew first became interested in alternative medicine after receiving acupuncture treatment for a neck problem.