RESIDENTS insist someone could have been killed at a Bewdley accident blackspot where an out-of-control car crashed into a house.

But work is afoot to be prevent a tragedy from happening.

Mike Glenister was at home in Welch Gate when the car veered off the road and through a gap in the railing - where a section had been damaged by an accident 18 months ago and not replaced - and smashed into the front of his home on Tuesday afternoon. Mike Glenister fears a bigger vehicle could have ploughed straight through his wall.

He said a bigger vehicle would have ploughed through his wall - and on another day there could have been children on the pavement.

The incident sparked fury among residents who said they had been campaigning for the section of railing to be replaced - and predicted it is only a matter of time before someone is killed.

But Wyre Forest Highways Partnership manager Stuart Reynolds said work to replace all of the railings with an "ornate" barrier in keeping with the surroundings and to raise the kerb was likely to be carried out in the next month.

Mr Glenister, 57, said: "I was sitting the other side of the wall when I heard a bang and went out to make sure the driver was OK. He was shaken but not hurt.

"The pavement is usually busy with pedestrians and it's just lucky the kids are on holiday.

"Fortunately for me I tend to use the back door," he added.

"Vehicles coming down Welch Gate are on a bend all the time. If it had been anything heavier than a car it would have come straight through my wall."

Mr Glenister said the surviving railings showed evidence of several collisions. He is awaiting a surveyor's visit to determine the extent of the damage to the house.

Seething neighbour Nat Sylvester said: "Cars quite often crash into these railings. We've been complaining for 18 months now.

"My wife and little son walk along there. It's only a matter of time before someone is killed."

Mr Reynolds said the original plan was to do the work as part of a proposed traffic-calming scheme for streets around Cleobury Road.

But this was scuppered when residents voted against the project in a history-making parish poll in May.