HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY: The secretary, Edith Capell, organised a very pleasant outing on Sunday last to Tatton Park in Cheshire. Travelling by coach, a party of society members and friends spent an enjoyable day at this very attractive National Trust property whose elegant 18th century house and well-kept gardens were seen at their best in the glorious sunshine. With a splendid house to see, shady walks to stroll down between beautiful specimen trees, flowers of every hue to admire and an old courtyard in which to sit and have lunch, it was a perfect day and many satisfied comments could be heard on the journey home.

The society's next meeting will be held in the village hall on the last Wednesday evening of August and visitors and new members will be made most welcome. The speaker will be Adrian James and his subject is Cannas.

PRE-SCHOOL: Pupils enjoyed a fun-packed week prior to breaking up for the summer, with a series of activities following one after the other - bouncy castle, paddling pool party, McDonald's lunch and sports day - all in quick succession and ending with the children and staff joining those of the Heron Nursery at the school for their leaver's party.

Interested readers are asked to note that on Sunday, August 18 there will be a bouncy monkey in Sue Johnson's garden, for which adults will be charged £1 and children 50p. Refreshments will be provided and there will be a good raffle to raise funds. Pre-school returns on September 2 and has places available. Enquiries to Sue Johnson on 871128.