I WOULD not like anyone reading your article in last week's Journal to get the wrong impression of our relationship with the young people using the Under 18 Drop-In Centre.

As with any organisation anti-social behaviour by a few cannot be accepted as this spoils the fun for the majority.

When the Centre opened ten years ago, the young people wanted something to do in the evenings and we supplied a safe, welcoming environment where they could meet and have a soft drink or coffee with a few things to do.

We have now expanded opening to three nights a week with a lot of interesting activities which the young people have asked for, so there is now lots to interest young people (11-18) in the evenings.

We open in the Riverside Centre (near the swimming pool) in Pershore. The Centre is run by professional youth workers so if young people want to have fun with friends, or you want some advice about a problem, they will get a friendly welcome at the Drop-In Centre, open on Wednesday, Thursday and Sunday evenings 7.30 to 9.30 pm.

RICHARD BATEMAN, Chairman of the Management Committee, Pershore Under 18 Drop-In Centre.