WITH nine changes for this friendly, an unfamiliar looking Malvern first XV took a while to gel in a fixture against a side with whom they swapped leagues last season.

MALVERN 27pts, BURTON 3pts

The "Brewers" put out their full first choice team and their mobile young pack proved a good test for the home side. Wingers Hughes and Beech were forced to make some ferocious tackles early on, whilst Rob Young, playing at full back for rested skipper Andy Longley, was also called into saving action.

Burton went ahead with a penalty after 15 minutes and Malvern, stung into action, were swift to retaliate, Young scything through the Burton defence. Paul Hart, returning to senior duty after a long absence through injury, showed boundless enthusiasm for the fray, taking on the visitors almost single-handedly with some powerful runs. As Burton were repeatedly forced into infringing, Paul Jenkin equalised with a penalty.

Malvern continued to press, Alistair Hills making his debut after his rise through the club from the juniors and showing a maturity beyond his 18 years. After he had recycled the ball well Sean Lancett and Andy Ridley made inroads before Jenkin drifted through to score and convert.

After the break, Malvern came out with all guns blazing, Hart showing his mobility by popping up at centre to run in a try from 30 metres out, shrugging off the defence with disdain, Jenkin converting. Ridley and Ollie Banwell, Hart's back row partners, also shone throughout the match, Malvern's only weakness being against the driving maul, where Burton showed themselves to be well drilled. Ian 'Beano' White, giving another assured performance at scrum half, put in a massive saving tackle on the Malvern line , then Young was called on to do the same. Having repelled Burton's advances, Malvern again attacked, Hills making good ground. Alex Thomas replaced Banwell and showed he is still an outstanding open side flanker, making his presence felt immediately. As Hart once again powered through, Young joined the line to score, then in the last five minutes Hart again sprinted through the flailing Burton defence for Young to cap a fine performance.

Director of Rugby David Robins was delighted at the improved attitude of his players after the Banbury setback.

Robins said: "Paul Hart came back with a bang after a long injury, showing all the zest and enthusiasm we need. Alistair Hills had a fine debut, whilst Rob Young's conversion to full back gave him the chance to run from deep. The forwards were excellent, Matt Williams impressing once more, whilst Stuart Lucas propped well. Alex Thomas proved to be a fine attacking flanker, showing plenty of bite, and it was a top drawer performance against a side who have been around the top end of amateur rugby for many years."

Paul Hart was pleased to be back in the senior side after a long absence after an operation.

"It was great to be back with the lads," he said, "I really enjoyed the physical side of the game and I look forward to contesting for a first team place for the rest of the season."

This week Malvern have a league fixture against Barker's Butts from Coventry, who are known to be a physical side up front with a set of fast backs. Malvern need to take the points to keep out of the bottom places at the halfway stage of the season.