WYRE Forest is into the fourth year of a do-nothing district council administration, now fully the responsibility of the hapless and hopeless Health Concern councillors.

The disadvantageous consequences are many - for example, those affecting the town centres of Stourport and Kidderminster.

Lack of action, amounting to sheer negligence, has already blighted Stourport town centre.

The disgrace of down-at-heel Bridge Street, the tumbledown health and safety risks presented by York Street, the overgrown, supposedly-landscaped area at the junction of York Street and Lion Hill, and the increasing eyesore of the flower bed and plaque outside the former Post Office in High Street, need action, which Health Concern councillors refuse to take.

They blame the county council, British Waterways and private owners despite being the directly-elected representatives of the local community.

Their record is similar on Kidderminster town centre redevelopment.

When challenged about keeping the new development tidy, the Health Concern response is to deflect responsibility to the site operators, British Waterways and the Environment Agency.

Under Health Concern, the district council will not do anything.

The results can already be seen, particularly at the litter-strewn bus terminus and nearby debris-tossed riverbank. And obviously Health Concern councillors have not bothered to find out that British Waterways don't have a budget for litter-picking and, therefore, that the towpath which adjoins the redevelopment is likely always to look a mess.

I write in some part in anger, but in greater part in sorrow.

I believe in encouraging pride in one's physical environment and one's community, and in local democracy.

In common with the near-100,000 residents of Wyre Forest my quality of life and pride in my local area is being betrayed by the Health Concern-run district council.


Labour Group leader

Wyre Forest District Council

Redstone Lane, Stourport