SO with great aplomb the West Midlands South Health Authority gives the go-ahead for the new "one-stop" diagnostic and treatment centre, costing £14 million, including three new operating theatres and 20 short-stay beds.

It will also include the minor injuries unit, Primary Care Centre, x-ray, outpatients, maternity, cancer services and a new dialysis unit.

Pardon me for being a little cynical but, apart from the renal dialysis unit, which will benefit only a tiny minority of the population of Wyre Forest, these services existed prior to the downgrading of the hospital in a modern building with state-of-the-art operating theatres.

This new centre seems very poor value for money.

In its proud, glittering pronouncement, it singularly fails to make any reference to A&E and emergency services, hoping these minor services will be overlooked in the dazzle of this all-singing and dancing new unit.

In so-doing it insults the intelligence of the Wyre Forest population who elected our MP, Dr Richard Taylor, and Hospital and Health Concern councillors on the ticket of the return of acute services to Kidderminster Hospital.

This matter will not be swept under the carpet and the legitimate fight to restore our services will continue unabated.


Chairman, district council Hospital and Health Services Task Group,

Fairfield Lane, Wolverley