BIDFORD residents fear somebody will be killed if something is not done to stop the erratic behaviour of motorists using the bridge.

They say that motorists are driving at excessive speeds over Bidford Bridge, and some are even jumping the lights as they change back to red, so they don't have to wait for the next set.

One of the residents who uses the bridge regularly is 46-year-old Robert Wheeler, of Smith's Close. He suffers from Multiple Sclerosis and can only walk with the aid of a stick.

He crosses the bridge twice a day to take his two dogs, Annie and Ellie, for a walk along the Big Meadow, and has to dodge the cars driving over the bridge by standing in one of its seven small wider sections, where it juts out.

He said: "I almost got ran over four times last week. We need to put signs up to alert motorists to pedestrians crossing the bridge or people are going to get killed.

"There's not enough time to get across the bridge and it's dangerous for pedestrians.

"I think we need a footpath. It's a 14th Century bridge and it should be put out of use, like the bridge over the river in Stratford."

Another Bidford resident, Gillian Whitehouse, said: "It's such a struggle for people are that are disabled or with children to get over the bridge to the meadow. I have also seen four or five young children trying to cross the bridge on their own.

"Perhaps we could have a sign by the lights to say 'slow, pedestrians crossing the bridge'."

At Monday night's parish council meeting, Bidford county councillor Peter Barnes, said he had seen people jumping the lights at red, a view parish councillor Sonia Blick agreed with.

Coun Barnes said: "Motorists are looking at the lights and nothing else. I have talked with the County Council about signs being placed on the traffic light poles at both sides of the bridge to warn motorists about pedestrians crossing.

"The problem is there is no CCTV there and no police, and the poor pedestrians don't have time to get over. It is dangerous."