FIREFIGHTERS trying to tackle a safari park bush fire had to be protected from rampaging rhinos unnerved by the blaze.

The six beasts at West Midland Safari Park, near Bewdley, were disturbed after 1,000 sq metres of land at the edge of their enclosure went up in flames at 4pm on Sunday. head warden Bob Lawrence at West Midland Safari Park in the fire-damaged rhino enclosure.

About 20 firefighters from Kidderminster, Stourport and Bewdley spent an hour at the park - which was packed with visitors on one of the hottest days of the year - and keepers had to step in to separate them from the roaming rhinos.

"There was a lot of smoke and 20 ft flames and the little rhinos were getting traumatised, chasing around and the mothers were running round after them," explained head warden Bob Lawrence.

"We had to keep our 4x4s between the rhinos and the firefighters."

Park fences were damaged, about a dozen 30 to 40 ft-high trees were burnt and the fire got within inches of one of the rhino shelters.

Mr Lawrence added: "The park was packed and it would have caused more chaos to try to close the park down than keep it open."

The cause of the fire is being investigated but it is believed to have spread from neighbouring land.