REGIONAL director in the West Midlands for the NFU for the past eight years, Bob Forster, left, is stepping down in November.

Mr Forster's spell at the helm has seen the creation of a regional food group, the setting up of a dedicated helpline for rural dwellers and the relocation of the NFU's regional office.

He will retire having just seen the NFU West Midlands through the devastating foot and mouth epidemic which brought the countryside to a standstill last year. The crisis spawned NFU West Midlands' Winning Ways blueprint for the future of agriculture after a series of conferences organised by the regional office.

"There are signs that farming is beginning to recover from the horrors of last year but it will inevitably take time and nothing can happen unless agriculture is returned to profitability,"

Mr Forster said. "I have always said that I wanted to leave agriculture in a better shape than when I found it and it is my biggest regret that that will not happen."

Peter Faulds, NFU group secretary at Evesham, said: "I would like to thank him for his contribution. He has always supported the local farming community and done his best for farmers and growers in the Vale."