ONE hundred helium balloons rose into the sky last week to signify a woman's spirit ascending to the heavens.

Bewdley literally came to a halt as traffic was stopped when the red balloons were released on the bridge by friends and relatives of Dilys Day, known as Katie, after her funeral at St Anne's Church.

And the hearse carrying her coffin stopped momentarily as she left the town of her birth for the last time. friends and relatives of Dilys Day release balloons on Bewdley bridge in her memory.

Mrs Day, of Hoarstone Close, who died last month aged 67 after a short illness, had asked for balloons to be released and planned her funeral as a celebration of her life.

Sheila Ward, a friend for 45 years, described her as an "extremely good-hearted person who helped everybody".

She added: "She used to chop up wood and take it round to old people's houses and take fruit and vegetables to people who were needy. She was a genuine Bewdley person."

Mrs Day leaves a husband Ray, daughter Hilary and son John.