PLAYERS at Malvern Rugby Football Club are facing the prospect of raising funds for the conversion of an old clubhouse themselves after their bid for Lottery cash was turned down.

MRFC applied for a £36,000 grant from Sport England before Christmas.

The money was earmarked for use in converting the old clubhouse on the Spring Lane North playing field into an up-to-date changing and fitness facility.

But on Friday, they found out by letter that they had failed to secure the grant.

Now club members are being asked to rally round and help the club raise the money it needs to get the job done.

It is the second time in recent years that they have been asked to do so.

Club chairman David Beech said: "We are obviously disappointed, especially as it took our committee six months of hard work to put in a viable bid. However, we must shrug off the disappointment and forge ahead."

The club plans to go ahead with the work, utilising the limited funds at its disposal and calling on the membership to rally round to help with the rebuild.

"We were faced with the same situation over the new clubhouse, and the members, especially the players, put in some extremely hard work two summers ago to give us a fine new HQ.

"We are now asking them to rally to the cause yet again to help deliver an improved facility which will benefit all playing sections at Malvern RFC - senior, junior and ladies."

Simon Phillips, the club secretary, said: "We do feel we have been a bit short-changed by the lottery. The juniors failed to get a £5,000 grant for their tag rugby as well."

He said the club had some £23,000 in the bank towards the project, from fundraising functions.

"We will do the best we can with that money, but it will not be the same."