THE future of the NHS will be the topic of a national radio debate in Kidderminster.

And there are still places for the public to take part in BBC Radio 4's Straw Poll programme at Kidderminster Library on Tuesday, August 20 at 7pm.

The audience can cross-question a team of panellists and vote on the motion "Public expectations in the NHS can never be met".

Chairman Nick Clarke, presenter of Radio 4's The World at One, will be joined by panellists Julian Le Grand, professor of social policy at the London School of Economics, Jennifer Dixon, director of health policy for the King's Fund, and Guardian columnist Gary Younge.

The programme will be broadcast on Friday, August 30 at 8pm, and repeated on Saturday, August 31 at 1.15pm.

Straw Poll replaces Any Questions? when it takes its summer break.

Anyone interested in being part of the audience should call Kidderminster Library on 01562 824500.