AFTER reading Mrs Buckland's letter, headlined "Never on Sundays" (You Say, Saturday, July 13) I must write and give a few points as to why I, and others, objected to the skateboard plans.

This part of Orchard Street is already full with cars during the daytime, let alone at nights and weekends.

The fitness centre is allowed to open on Sundays, has car parking, is closed by 10pm weekdays and 8pm on weekends, and all leave quietly.

There may be car parking for three to four cars, so where will all the cars go?

What noise control would be put in place and who is going to police them?

Why is the centre so badly needed here when the council is going to site one where it should be, at Perdiswell, where most of the youth activities now are?

Finally, it has just been announced that two more will be opening in Worcester in the near future.


Orchard Street,
