A PREGNANT Evesham woman was kicked and knocked unconscious after confronting a burglar in her home.

Twenty-one-year old Liz Coulson was at home alone in West Street, Evesham at about 10.20am yesterday when she discovered a 6ft stranger.

The man in his 40's tried to grab her bag, but she tackled him before he fled

Miss Coulson, who is expecting her second child, said: "He asked me did I know someone named Dave, then he went for my bag, which was hanging in the hall. I thought: 'he's not taking that - that's got everything in it', so I grabbed it back, but I hit my head against the wall. He kicked me in the ribs and ran off."

Miss Coulson said she thought she was unconscious for about five or ten minutes, then phoned the police, and was taken to Cheltenham General Hospital for a check-up.

Back home at 3.30pm yesterday she said: "I feel shaky, my head aches, and I want to go to bed, but I'm relieved my baby is fine."

Her partner of one year, 34-year-old Andy Pickering shared her feelings of relief.

He said: "Police rang me when I was in Banbury, and I was really shocked to hear she had been kicked."

The couple have only lived in the house for about six months after moving from a flat the other side of town. Ms Coulson's daughter lives with her father.

Minutes after police received the emergency call they launched a search of the area.

They said they did not know whether the man, who made off empty handed, fled on foot or if he had a vehicle waiting.

He spoke with a Birmingham accent, and had short black hair and olive skin, was of medium build and was wearing a red Manchester United top and possibly jeans.

PC Phil Rushen said: "I would urge anyone who recognises this man's description or thinks they may have seen someone matching his description to contact me."

He added: "This is a despicable crime whereby a pregnant woman has been callously knocked to the ground and kicked. Anyone with information can contact me on 01905 723888 quoting c/609788 or anonymously at Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111."