A £1,000 reward has been put up for the capture of an armed gang who subjected two store workers to a terrifying ordeal.

And police have released CCTV pictures of two of the raiders.

As reported first by the Advertiser last week, the trio broke into Gentry's Store in Farm Road, Lakeside, at about 10.30pm on Thursday, July 18.

Pam Price, 52, and her daughter Lindsey, who were in the store at the time, struggled with the intruders.

Miss Price, 24, was struck over the head several times and needed hospital treatment.

The men demanded to know where the safe was but the pair's brave actions meant they made off with only a few hundred pounds from the till.

They made their getaway in a dark coloured, old-style Rover car which had been parked in Sillins Avenue.

Store owner Tom Gentry has now offered a £1,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and charge of the robbers.

The first attacker was white, about 5ft 8ins tall, of slim build and in his late 20s or early 30s.

He had pointed facial features and was unshaven.

He had brown collar length hair and was wearing a dark padded jacket.

The second raider was Asian, about 6ft tall, of stocky build and aged in his 30s.

He was wearing a black balaclava and black clothing and he was armed with what is believed to be a handgun.

The third man was white, wearing a black coat with two white stripes down the back and a baseball cap.

DI Steve Cullen said: "This was a nasty offence and, as is always the case when a firearm is involved, had the potential to be a lot worse.

"I am certain anyone who knows who these offenders are will recognise them from the CCTV pictures.''

He added: "We have carried out forensic examinations at the store and we're waiting for the results.

''The two women who were involved were obviously shaken and did suffer some injuries."

Anyone with information can call Redditch police on 584888 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555111.