WELFORD are through to the county bowls finals in the pairs and fours.

In the pairs Mario Rosso and Martin Timms beat a pair from Coventry Avenue 21-15.

The fours, Simon Davies, Mick Hawkins, Richard Groom and Mario Rosso beat a four from Rugby 25-14.

A very close match at Broadway ended in a draw, 134 each.

The winning rinks for Welford were Mario Rosso, A Reynold, J Willis, M Hawkins 34-9; and G Williams, I Hill, H Hawkins, A Smith 27-20.

Welford also had an excellent win against the Worcester vice-presidents 119-86, winning on three rinks.

The top rink was skipped by N Clark with D Wilshaw and A Reynolds 44-3. Next winning rink was R Bodington, J Hall, T Francis 24-15 and the final rink was G Rainer, P Churchley, P Day 20-18.

Welford Seniors played a visiting team from Bournville the Old Bourns. They arrived with a coach full of supporters.

Welford won by 63 shots 156-93 with four winning rinks. The top rink was skipped by T Cairns with his wife V Cairns, D Burford, T Raffin 30-10.

Other rinks: J Riley, B Walford, R Adams, J South 30-12; J Churchley, G Rainer, P Churchley, A Reynolds 29-13; T Simmons, I Hill, T Riley, C Simmons 28-17.

Bilton 114, Bidford 165

PLAYING away on what proved to be quite a tricky green, Bidford gained an early lead, and went on to win five out of the six rinks.

Good performances all round, resulting in a 51 shot victory. Bidford names: R Harris, G Rainer, P Locke, D Bennett 33-12; R Draper, G Steed, N Undery, A Halliwell 35-21; J Sheppard, M Burman, R Curtis, R Steventon 26-22; L Smith, B Sherlock, N Arnold, I Wilkins 20-29; K Catherall, E Hall, D Mayrick, M Collins 21-14; M Deakins, A Davis, B Tyrrell, R Powell 30-16.

Bidford 100, FISSC 49

THE Brian Mitchell Cup played in his memory is played over two legs.

The first leg played at Bidford resulted with wins for Bidford on all rinks, to set up a 51-shot lead going into the second leg to be played at FISSC in August.

Bidford names first: A Jones, B Sherlock, R Curtis, A Halliwell 23; R Barrett, N Newton, B Pickett, A Harris 10. R Draper, A Davis, N Undery, D Bennett 31; T Coombe, R Harris, G Stanley, D Bidwell 10. M Onions, L Smith, N Arnold, B Kendry 28; W Woolven, T Amos, T Keelyside, J Pallet 12. R Harris, B Groom, M Colins, B Tyrrell 18; T Riley, R Stephenson, R Green, B Collins 17.

AFTER the disappointment of losing their final in the Warwickshire Travelsphere competition Avon Ladies reached and won the Warwickshire Rinks competition.

Playing at Tame Anker BC Tamworth, on a very hot and humid day, a keenly contested game with some excellent shots by skip Nan Wells saw them through by five shots 21-16 against Nuneaton BC.

Both teams will represent Warwickshire in the nationals at Royal Leamington Spa on August 2.

Avon team will be Margaret Donaldson, June Ellin, Judy Meadows, Nan Wells.