FIREFIGHTERS and police searched the River Severn from Worcester city centre to Diglis Weir amid fears that a man had been dragged underwater by the current.

After rescuing him, the man told them he had been trying to save another person who appeared to be struggling in the middle of the river.

The 25 firefighters searched on for 90 minutes, using two rescue boats - one equipped with sonar - and the police helicopter's thermal imaging equipment, but no body was discovered.

The drama unfolded yesterday evening after reports that a man had jumped into the river from the riverbank at South Parade, close to Worcester Bridge.

The alarm was raised at about 6.45pm, and the search was called off at 8.13pm.

"When we arrived, there was one person in the river," said Leading Firefighter Bob Hardwick.

"He was telling us that there was someone under the bridge, and he could just see his head.

"He said he was dragged under by the current, and he went out to rescue him."

CCTV footage will be inspected in an attempt to find more clues.

Passer-by Dawn Westaway, of Dines Green, said she heard a splash and went to see what was happening.

"I saw a man swimming and watched a lot of young lads throw his shoes in," she said. "Some were laughing at him."

She said she did not see anybody else in the water.

Another witness said he saw the man gesticulating towards the bridge and pointing at the sky after being rescued.

After being pulled from the river, the unidentified man was taken to Worcestershire Royal Hospital as a precautionary measure.

PC Lloyd Buffery said Worcester police were treating the incident seriously.