AN alcoholic who struggles with depression stole hair accessories and 12 cans of beer from a Tesco store in Worcester.

Richard Creese put the cans into a carrier bag when he was in the store in Mill Wood Drive, Warndon.

Worcester magistrates heard yesterday how the 24-year-old sat with the beer, valued at £10.97, in the customer services area.

John Barnett, prosecuting, said a security guard was watching the defendant's activities on the afternoon of Thursday, July 25.

"He went past the checkout without paying for it, then sat down in the customers' area by the door," said Mr Barnett.

"He then returned to the store and took the hair accessories, worth 99p.


"He walked past the checkout towards the exit and was stopped by a member of staff.

"The police were called and he was arrested.

Chris Hilton, defending, said Creese, of Wasdale Court, Warndon, Worcester, was an alcoholic.

"To his credit it's something he acknowledges," he said.

"He wants to do something about his alcoholism."

Mr Hilton said his client had been drinking up to 24 cans a day in the past but now tried to limit himself to around 12 cans over a two to three-day period.

"He's on and off medication for depression," he said.

"He has, in the last month, made contact with his father for the first time in 24 years.

"Hopefully, that will provide some stability."

Creese, who lives with his grandmother, admitted theft.

Magistrates gave Creese an 18-month conditional discharge and ordered him to pay £80 court costs.