SPENT needles are being dropped all over Evesham by drug addicts, according to angry residents.

Police acted after complaints and closed down a drugs den in Kings Lane, Bengeworth, beat manager Paul Adams told town councillors at a meeting this week.

The action follows a similar situation last May when the Old Mill in Common Road was boarded up to prevent drug users getting in.

PC Adams said that after surveillance in Kings Lane, a number of arrests had been made on drug-related offences

Police also informed Wychavon District Council to enforce a planning notice on the building to have it demolished as it was standing empty.

"It was a haven for drug users," said PC Adams.

"No one else goes there. We can stop people gathering together to take drugs and annoying neighbours, but unfortunately we can't stop the drugs problem, the same as we can't stop drivers speeding."

Councillor Andy Dyke said he had also received lots of complaints from neighbours, who were being annoyed by suspected drug users taking short cuts over their gardens and fences.

Coun Jo Sandalls said she had received complaints from residents in Greenhill about discarded needles.

"They are being dropped down all over town, although Kings Lane was a hot spot. Wychavon's environment people clear them up," added PC Adams.

"Drug users, however, are given needles free, and sharps boxes to dispose of them correctly."

"We have been contacted by the police about the shed and are investigating the situation," said Phil Weirs, Wychavon's enforcement officer.

"It appears the owners may be in breach of a planning condition.

Temporary planning permission was granted in January 1998 for three years, which expired in January 2001."

A spokesman from Turning Point, which supplies the free needles at Evesham Community Hospital, was not available to comment.