A profit of £1091.56 was realised at Berrow Fete recently. A very big thank you to everyone who supported us and helped in any way.

The main prize-winners of the grand draw were: 12 bottles of MUMM-KUVEE-NAPA, Sue Fletcher; A flight in a light aircraft, Pauline Fellows; Two theatre tickets, Robin Hutton; Meal for two at Duke of York, Joy Fellows; Bottle of whisky, Mrs Coates.

A special thank you to everyone who so generously donated raffle prizes.

Berrow's next fundraising event will be on September 21-22 with a flower festival at the church, when the main theme will be the "Four Seasons". If you would like to be a part of this weekend, helping in any way with flowers or refreshments, please phone (01684) 833828.