Bosbury Welcome Club will be serving cream teas, in aid of club funds, at The Crown, Bosbury, on Saturday, August 10, from 3pm to 5pm, by kind permission of Mr and Mrs Howe. An opportunity to relax and meet old friends in a delightful garden or enjoy the Oak Room with its association with the Knights Templar. Cake stall and produce stall.

There will be an 11am service on Sunday, August 4, at Holy Trinity Bosbury. The Parish Communion service at 9.30am on Sunday, August 11, will be led by team rector Colin Beevers.

Last Saturday's summer fete at St Michael's Hospice, Bartestree raised well in excess of £3,000. The final figure is still to be confirmed. The support of the community with all the various fundraising efforts is much appreciated.

Bosbury Jubilee Playground Committee are holding a fun day on Saturday, August 24 at 2pm on the school playing field. Attractions include a free fall parachute display, pony rides, tombola, duck races, coconut shy, tug-o-war and It's A Knockout, which should be booked by Friday, August 23 (teams of 6, £6 per team). For more details, phone (01531) 640887. All proceeds in aid of playground project.