BROMSBERROW parishioners will have a chance to have their say at a public meeting (parish meeting) to be held in Bromsberrow Parish Hall on Monday, August 12 at 7pm. The issues are those associated with the Countryside Agency's Integrated Rural Development project and in support of the drive for 'special status' for the Forest of Dean district, which includes Bromsberrow.

'Members of the Forest of Dean, By Definition Team' will be present and will address the meeting and get the views of parishioners as to what they believe makes the district a special place. The views of parishioners will be used to provide a picture of the issues important to them. Refreshments will be provided.

A bus shelter is to be built by the lay-by opposite the post office in Bromsberrow Heath. Those wishing to tender for the job should contact the clerk, David Read, for details. A closing date has not yet been decided.

In his Litter Report, the warden Tony Edwards reports that he has now settled into walking the village twice a week and checking both lay-bys at the weekends. He reports that he finds everyone very friendly and ready to help and that members of the public are very responsible in the disposal of their litter. He reports that the lay-by adjacent to the M5 is reasonably tidy at all times. However, the rubbish bin at the Dyke House lay-by is emptied only occasionally and he has to dispose of the litter in that bin himself. He says that the Forest of Dean District Council should improve their collection from the Dyke House lay-by rubbish bin. Unfortunately, also, people are using the stream area at the back of the Dyke House lay-by as a public lavatory, which is totally unacceptable. Mr Edwards finds that the village is relatively clean with only a few spots that have to be cleared regularly. Motorists seem to be the offenders in that they drop wrappings and drink cans etc from their vehicles as they travel through.

Staunton and District Women's branch of the Royal British Legion would like to extend a warm welcome to anyone in the Bromsberrow parish to their monthly meetings, as Bromsberrow is one of the nine villages that comes within the Staunton and district group. Sadly, it is some time since there have been any Bromsberrow members. The branch meets on the fourth Tuesday in every month at 2pm in the lounge at Johnstone Close, Staunton, with the next meeting to be held on Tuesday, August 27 at 2pm. New members and visitors are always welcome. If you would like to know more, please ring the secretary Winnie Brunsdon on (01452) 840730 who will be happy to give further information.

A member of the lottery committee visited the village hall recently and was very impressed with the new extension for which the committee had provided most of the money.

For your diary: There will be a wine and cheese evening in aid of church funds on Sunday, August 4 at Grove House, Bromsberrow Heath by kind permission of Mr and Mrs Ross. This is themain fundraising event of the year.