CONGRATULATIONS to Jenny Abbott, who graduated from Newcastle-upon-Tyne University in 1996 with a BSc in Physiology and has now recently qualified as a Doctor of Medicine. Jenny, whose parents are Pat and Phil Abbott, used to live in Nixon Court. She was a pupil of Callow End Primary School and attended St James' Church and Sunday School. Before going to university, she attended Nunnery Wood High School. Jenny takes up her first post at Bishop Auckland Hospital, County Durham, on August 1.

This Sunday, August 4, there will be a barbecue and fun evening at The Blue Bell Inn, Callow End, from 5pm onwards.

The evening is in aid of the Central Counties Search and Rescue which provides teams of trained volunteers, who are competent in the skills of lowland search and rescue, to recover any person missing or injured whilst outdoors.

One team operates in Kidderminster and another team in Cheltenham to provide a search and rescue capability to police services in the counties of Gloucestershire, Herefordshire, Shropshire (south) and Worcester-shire. To find out more about their activities or membership, please support the barbecue.

At the July meeting of the Powick and Callow End Branch of the Royal British Legion (RBL), held at the Madresfield Club, the chairman thanked those members who were able to attend the funerals of two past members of the branch. The chairman also thanked Fred Mason who acted as standard bearer.

Members attended the county meeting at Bredon Village Hall where the guest speaker was the warden of Long Lartin Prison.

The skittles and bowls teams have been involved in matches, and an inter-branch quiz evening took place last week at the Bretforton Club.

The local branch was represented at the RBL county rally at Worcester Cathedral last month to mark the Queen's Golden Jubilee. Finally, a barbecue at the Bush Inn, Callow End, in aid of RBL Branch Funds will mark the Bank Holiday on Monday, August 26. All welcome.