POWICK Parish Ramblers are arranging two walks. The first walk takes place on Wednesday, August 7 and starts at 10am from the Three Kings Inn, Hanley Castle. Chris Evans will lead the walk, which is five and a half miles and includes paths along the riverbank. For more details, ring Chris on (01905) 831415. The second walk takes place on Sunday, August 11, along the Malvern Hills from Colwall via the Beacon to St Anne's Well. This walk is approximately five miles and is led by David Allen. For this walk, meet at Great Malvern Station for the 14.47 train to Colwall. For more details, ring David on (01905) 831988.

A "Powick Good Neighbour Helpline" is being set up in the village. This helpline requires a team of voluntary helpers to offer support as good neighbours. To find out how the system operates, please contact Rosemary Husband on (01905) 830057 or Janet Teague on (01905) 830201.

A series of yoga classes will be taking place in Powick Parish Hall during August. Commencing in week beginning Monday, August 5, the classes take place on Monday evenings (August 5, 12 and 19) and on Tuesday afternoons (August 6, 13 and 20). All proceeds are for St Richard's Hospice. To find out times and costs, contact Jill on (01684) 563942.

A number of "taster" sessions in Kumon Maths are available in Powick during the summer holidays. Kumon Maths aims to improve children's mathematics skills, learning and powers of concentration and to give the children confidence. Rachel Tobin, instructor, can be contacted on (01905) 423724.

Members of Powyke WI wish to thank all who contributed to the success of the Midsummer Madness evening that was held in June at the homes of Edna Giles and Margaret Allen in Prince Rupert Avenue, Powick. The rain stayed away to ensure a successful evening with strawberries and cream, wine, a very good raffle with lots of prizes and many items for sale. A profit of £350 was raised and will be distributed as £150 to Acorns Hospital, £100 to Crack Cancer and £100 to the WI. Special thanks are given to Manor Farm for supplying the strawberries.

Powick Guild held its AGM in July and the present committee agreed to continue through the next year with several ideas for the forthcoming programme. As there is no meeting in August, the next meeting takes place on Tuesday, September 10 at 2.30pm in Powick Parish Hall. At this meeting, Roger Tolman of the Woodland Trust will be guest speaker.

St Peter's Church, Powick will be open on Saturdays in August from 2pm until 5pm. Stewards will be on hand to welcome and provide refreshment. Note there will be weddings on August 17 at 2pm and August 31 at 2.30pm.

Congratulations to Louisa Sandy of Sandpits Farm who, following an audition, has been accepted for Worcestershire Intermediate Youth Orchestra. Louisa has been a pupil at Powick Primary School.