SALLY Gough, district organiser for Staunton and District Royal British Legion, reports that the local Poppy Appeal collection of £3,202.70 exceeded the collection for the year 2000 by £495.05. The collection covered the villages of Ashleworth, Corse Lawn, Hartpury, Pendock, Redmarley, Hasfield and Staunton. Sally thanks all the collectors who made this splendid result possible.

Staunton and District Over 60s Club members combined garden and sea when they took a coach trip out to visit the large garden centre and store at Congresbury before enjoying a breath of sea air at Clevedon. A visiting speaker to the club from the Pensions and Social Services gave useful information as to what their entitlements to income could be as senior citizens. At the meeting on August 5, Mrs Roselyn Lane will be showing slides of Australia. Also, in August, there will be a halfday trip to Pinknash Abbey. If anyone would like to join the Over 60s Club, leader Nanette Brown says that there is still room for a few more members and membership is still only £2.

Staunton Church annual auction will be held on Saturday, October 16. Watch this space for further details.

Many local people were able to enjoy the beauty and colour of Mr and Mrs David Henderson's garden at Staunton at a coffee morning. The sun shone warmly as visitors took in the peace and tranquility.

The annual barbecue held at The Hill, Staunton, by kind permission of Mr and Mrs John Luard, is expected to have raised a considerable sum for Staunton Church funds. The food was plentiful and delicious and everyone is thanked for their support.

Staunton and District Women's branch of the Royal British Legion celebrated the Queen's Golden Jubilee with an open tea party held in the lounge at Johnstone Close. A beautifully iced birthday cake, decorated with various emblems and flags of the Royal British Legion had been made by Pat Taylor, the chairman, and her daughter-in-law. Dave Padley ran a number of competitions. Winnie Brunsdon, the secretary, arranged a five decades exhibition. At the July meeting, Dave Padley talked about a visit he had made to his son who lives in South Carolina, USA. Dave's son runs puppet theatres and tours local schools. The branch has recently welcomed two members. Next month, the branch meetings revert to afternoons, with next month's meeting held on Tuesday, August 27 at 2pm at Johnstone Close, Staunton. At that meeting, Christine Counsell will talk about her visit to China and to the Great Wall of China.