A grant has just been received that will enable the hall committee to buy 20 new tables and cloths, which could be used for whist or bridge or many other purposes. They will replace the old small tables, some of which are a bit rickety and not very comfortable to sit at - the Saturday night Whist Club won't know themselves!

Dogberry and The View gardens, which were both open last Sunday, enjoyed a wonderfully sunny day which brought a record number of visitors to the village. Carolyn Evans and her helpers provided refreshments, which were much appreciated on such a warm afternoon and raised £160 for hall funds. Many thanks to all who helped.

The very popular Pilates classes have been extended and a new session will begin in early September. Negotiations with HCT are in progress for more classes in computer studies - either a continuation of the beginners' course or, possibly, desktop publishing - and maybe a Bridge class at two levels. Further details of all these proposals will be publicised later on, nearer the start of the autumn term.