A fine, but not too hot, day last Saturday brought out a bumper attendance of local people for the West Malvern fete, held at St James's School and opened by headmistress Mrs Stephanie Kershaw, with all the 200 numbered programmes being sold. But there were also visitors from 'away' - even as far afield as Essex (yes, really!). But it was Joyce Swerrun from Worcester, a regular attender for several years past, who drew the 'lucky number' prize. All the stalls and catering outlets did a thriving trade, and the impressive proceeds of £1,300 were shared between joint organisers the cricket club and St James's Church. This amount was over and above the takings at the stalls of other village institutions such as the Garden and Nature Club and the Village Hall Committee. Congratu-lations to all concerned, especially Tony Poyner, Ian Clayton and Richard Hammond, whose efforts helped to make the event an outstanding success.

A postscript to Matthew Blackbourn's notable century for West Malvern Cricket Club, reported in the Gazette recently. As Matthew was thrashing the bowling, his proud father, club chairman Bob, was standing as umpire throughout his innings. Father-son relationships became a little strained, however, when Matthew hit one hard straight back down the wicket and nearly decapitated his dad at the other end. But Bob had the last laugh the following day when, once again wearing the umpire's coat, he gave Matthew out lbw - for a duck!

And ladies' cricket could be on its way to West Malvern! The ladies of Bushley CC in Gloucestershire have challenged the ladies of West Malvern to gather a team and play them before the end of this season. Any ladies from West Malvern who would like to play please contact Bob Blackbourn on 01684 564893 who hopes to be able to organise some practice prior to the big event.

The well-established West Malvern Toddlers Club, which meets in the village hall on Friday mornings, may not be able to continue after the summer holidays due to a recent fall in numbers. The club is a friendly group and welcomes mums and toddlers from babies to pre-school. The charge of £1 per family includes tea and coffee (for the mums not the children, presumably!). With something of a mini 'baby boom' in the village at present it would be a pity if the group were to disband. Interested parents can contact Sarah Pritchard on 575845 during August.