NEWENT & District Craftworkers Guild continued a busy summer on the road with its second annual exhibition in Ledbury last weekend.

About a dozen members returned to St Katherine's Hall to show off their wares and, although visitor numbers were down on last year, organisers said it had still been well supported.

Committee member Jeanette Hannaby blamed the lower attendance on good weather tempting people out of town, but noted that members had still had a productive day.

"It was quieter than usual but then the whole town was quieter than usual," said Mrs Hannaby.

"On the whole, all our members think it's a good idea to get out of Newent sometimes but you get good days and bad days.

"It's only really the last couple of years that shows have been held at Ledbury and Beechenhurst but we're trying new events rather than just sticking to Newent."

Mrs Hannaby makes silk paintings, while her husband, Paul, is a wood turner. Other crafts on show included pottery, picture framing, photography and jewellry.

The guild started its summer 'tour' with a show at Beechenhurst, in the Forest of Dean, in June and will return to Ledbury for a bank holiday carnival show at St Katherine's Hall on August 26.

Members will host a summer show at the Memorial Hall in Newent tomorrow (Saturday) and return to Beechenhurst for an 11-day exhibition at The Lodge, from August 10 to 21.

The summer will be rounded off at Newent Onion Fayre on September 14.

The guild was founded in 1984 and its aims are to encourage and promote local craft workers in their efforts to create and sell original, high-quality, hand-made items.

Anyone interested in joining should contact membership secretary Wendy Bateson on 01531 821276. The guild's website address is uk.