Acorns Children's Hospice gig, The Marr's Bar, Pierpoint Street

It was a lot of hard work but I'm sure all would agree it was worth it in the end.

Four fantastic bands with their own distinctive sound each played a part in raising money for Acorns Children's Hospice.

Herefordshire's finest - Seymour - did an outstanding job as openers.

Their blend of original power pop rock belted out of the amps and fuelled the crowd's urge for live music.

The ever present troll - the Seymour mascot - was the only character in the bar not moving.

Energetic rock

Next up was The Dawn Parade, who are a four-piece from Suffolk. The long drive to Worcester did nothing to rain on their parade - in fact their energetic rock continued to feed the crowd's enthusiasm.

Special praise to lead singer Greg McDonald for his leather trousers, and despite the heat he and the band managed to pull off an amazing performance.

Battle of the Bands semi-finalists Morso had the unenviable task of hitting the stage ahead of the headliners.

The three-piece were out to show they deserved to be in the final and I'm sure no one was left in any doubt about their credibility.

So much energy was exerted on stage they were putting themselves up for sponsorship by Duracell!

With only half an hour to treat the crowd, they crammed as much material in as was physically possible.

Which leads us nicely on to the band of the moment - Antihero.

Monday signalled their last gig before heading into the studio and a sneaky peak at what to expect.

The crowds reacted to new songs Amsterdam and I Want To Block It Out as if they were old favourites.

There was certainly a frenzied pack lapping up this now rare opportunity to see the band live.

Security blanket tunes MTV and single Rolling Stones T-Shirt were also ever-present to give the fans something familiar to cling onto.

All in all, it was a great night with even greater music.

If the opportunity arises to see any of these bands again, grab it with both hands. They will not disappoint.

Morso play at The Marr's Bar on Friday, July 26.