FOOT-and-mouth disease was clearly rampant in Worcestershire at this time 250 years ago.

The Journal of 1752 published a large public notice to inform farmers and dealers that:

"At the General Quarter Sessions of this county, in the 25th year of the reign of our sovereign, Lord George the Second, King of Great Britain, an Order has been made prohibiting the buying and selling of any ox, bull, cow, calf, steer or heifer, either fat or lean, in any markets, towns or other public places of sale within this county.

"This follows the information that the distemper among the horned cattle has, for a considerable time, affected Worcestershire. Also prohibited by the order is the bringing in of horned cattle from any other parts, whether purchased at fairs or markets or otherwise.

"All offenders against this order will forfeit Ten Pounds for each offence and be prosecuted at the county's expense."