DESPITE dodgy cover design and spurious back-page blurb, a new fantasy novel by ex-Malvern Girls' College pupil Catherine Parry adds a touch of romance, 'Girl Power' and a strong plot to be a good read.

Published at the end of May by Vanguard Press, The Ice Witch follows the life of Saskia, a young princess of the Icelands.

The story opens with Saskia fleeing her castle home in order to escape a sacrificial marriage to her brother, leaving behind three younger sisters who will, when their time comes, face the same fate.

The early introduction of incest is off-putting but the Ice Queen's rollicking pace and innocence drive away from all that is bad immediately, managing to draw the reader in. The years fly by as Saskia learns the skills of a warrior and sorceress and falls in love with a young man who just happens to be chosen as the nation's new emperor.

It's far-fetched stuff but a nice attention to detail and continuity of pace, emotion, theme and purpose contrive to make the book eminently readable. There are also some meaningful emotional strands on friendship, love, motherhood and power lightly weaved throughout.

What's more, by the end when Parry announces she's working on a second book in the same vein, you're pleased.