The district council want to ensure Malvern Theatre offers 'best value' and ask a respected external consultant to report. Good. I'm glad to hear the council are showing concern my money is being well spent. The report is highly complimentary and says we have one of the country's best run, least subsidised and most efficient theatres. Wonderful. Duty done.

So why have the council forced the trustees into a position where they have to seek offers from the Ambassador Group to manage the facility. We already have an excellent manager. Why are the council wasting my money following this up? Why grudgingly arrange 'public consultation' over the holiday period when everyone is away. Why are so few councillors aware of what has been going on?

It is reputed that for a grant of £200,000, the theatre brings over £6 million into the area through tourism. Why have the council not been alerted to the potential loss of revenue their cuts in the grant may cause? Does the district have any other facilities which offer such a return on investment? If so can we hear about them.

Finally, before taking the decision over whether to risk killing the golden goose, I trust the council will make Paul Bond's report assessing all bids public. After all, it is the theatregoing public who contribute most to the finances of the theatre and local residents who will pick up the tab no matter what decisions are taken.

Rob Series, Court Road, Malvern.