Re: 'ALWAYS been a good school' (Your Letters, July 26).

IN its review of my time at The Chase, your original article of July 19 failed to make it clear that the most pressing challenge I faced in 1986 was the physical state of the school. Photographs taken at the time show just how off-putting and shabby, nay 'down at heel' things were. In fact some prospective parents had already voted with their feet and that was destined to affect the school's budget for five years.

The committed people who worked at the school each day clearly deserved something better.

Having tried and exhausted all other sources, 'self-help' was the only solution, so you can imagine how pleased and grateful I was when the Chase Brass Band undertook to decorate the school foyer. A photograph published early in 1987 in the Gazette showed them hard at work.

So, for the record, my comment about 'down at heel', aimed exclusively at the fabric of the school, was totally justified but should be understood solely in this context. There was no other spin.

The Chase's continued development and growing success after 1986 was based on the excellent staff which Mr Mullinger had gathered around him and the industry and flair of the youngsters who came to the school each day (indeed, the children of your correspondents made significant individual contributions particularly in the areas of computing, sport and outdoor pursuits). Furthermore, I doubt whether the positive ethos, the values and the cushion of care and concern have changed much since Mr Garth's day!

Leading The Chase for 16 years has been an immense privilege, involving a huge joint effort and bringing shared success. For me it has been a hugely fulfilling professional experience.

David Fawbert, The Chase, Geraldine Road, Malvern.