MALVERN residents are telling me of their concern at the closure of the Newlands Household Waste Site during its period of reconstruction and improvement. Soon after the closure was first proposed I spoke to Worcestershire County Council officers about the need for temporary facilities in Malvern (not just in Upton or Pershore!), and I am glad to say they are now persuaded, despite genuine difficulties, that something is needed.

Waste paper, glass and cans are reasonably well provided for elsewhere in Malvern, so the problem is waste of all other kinds.

The county's officers can provide skips for this - but they need a suitable site for them, because space on the Newlands site will be used in relocating buildings as part of the improvement plan. To find it they are asking the help of Malvern Hills District Council.

I suggest that all residents anxious about the situation should speak to their district councillors about the importance of finding such a site, so that Malvern people are not deterred from disposing of their waste in a responsible way.

JEREMY WEBB, county councillor, Malvern Trinity, Cowleigh Road, Malvern.