Events this week have done nothing to encourage confidence in Malvern Hills District Council's handling of the future of Malvern Theatres.

The window for meaningful debate is becoming unrealistically tight. Good ideas for meeting the problems facing the Malvern Theatres were offered at the Gazette & Reporter's public meeting last week.

Yet a decision will still be made by full council on September 24. There has been the better part of two years spent talking about a commercial takeover of the theatres, a course of action which appears very unpopular with the users and supporters of the venue.

Yet workable alternatives - available to the council if it had only asked for them - are accorded no time for development.

This is not public consultation. Public consultation is stating a problem, asking for solutions and then taking the time to work through the best one.

This is the council saying, here is the problem, by the way we have been working on this solution for two years - you've got until next month.

It is hard to think that councillors will not be offered 'Hobson's choice' when the options for future management are put before them.

It is equally tempting to say 'grab a paddle, you're about to be sold down the river'.