SO, we've a new Archbishop of Canterbury. The newspaper headlines running up to the official announcement have made good reading. On the actual day The Times announced 'Archbishop fires warning shot at Disney'. It is in fact a reference to one line in a book that Rowan Williams has recently written called Lost Icons and in a section regarding the nurturing of children. Those who know him are aware of an extraordinary able and holy man. But what huge expectations there are of him as well a some rather misleading if amusing articles. Well, that's what you expect if you are a public leader.

So, St Peter has been given notice of your imminent arrival. What can we pick on to amuse and mislead him (all in good fun of course) about your life? What can be said about those things that really matter to you? What really governs the way you live your life? We may have enormous expectations of our chosen leaders, but I wonder what expectations the Almighty has of each of us (just ordinary folk)? Well, it's what you might expect if you are a child of God, and that's what we all are.

REVEREND PREBENDARY CARL ATTWOOD, Rector of Colwall and Coddington.