TWO Malvern community midwives have set up a monthly pregnancy workshop to make sure mothers-to-be do not miss out on vital health information.

Yvonne Cowling and Alison Curtis are running the workshops on the second Saturday of every month at Malvern Health Centre for anyone thinking about becoming pregnant or already expecting.

They are particularly keen to target teenagers from areas such as Langland, who might not be able to get the information from other sources.

Ms Cowling said: "There are a lot of girls in Langlands ward who are young and vulnerable, who wouldn't come along to regular evening class. We thought we would break down the barriers so that they could come and approach us and ask questions. We're hoping that we can attract the teenagers who may not be as well informed as other people."

The workshops are for anybody interested in finding out what their birthing options are and what is available at hospitals in the area.

Ms Cowling said: "They're for anybody pregnant but especially unsupported mums, to get information about labour, pain relief and common ailments women suffer during pregnancy.

"They can find out about aspects of childcare, how the foetus is developing and, if we get a good attendance, we will try to do breathing and relaxation and how to adopt different positions in labour."

Help and information about how to stop smoking and nutritional advice on good health before becoming pregnant is also available. The next workshop is on Saturday, August 10, from 2pm to 4pm, at Malvern Health Centre. For more information call 01684 612672.