THIS IS the man police are hunting in connection with a vicious attack on a pregnant Evesham woman at her home this week.

The 21-year-old woman was kicked by the 6ft man and knocked unconscious after confronting him at her home on Wednesday.

The incident happened at about 10.20am when the stranger entered Liz Coulson's home through her open front door in West Street.

He spoke to her briefly and went to snatch her bag which was hanging in the hallway but Ms Coulson grabbed it back.

In the struggle her head was bashed against the wall and she then fell unconscious after the man kicked her in her ribs.

She was taken to Cheltenham General Hospital for a check up, and later discharged after being assured her baby was fine.

She said: "He asked me did I know someone named Dave, then he went for my bag. I thought: 'he's not taking that - that's got everything in it', so I grabbed it back."

Ms Coulson said she thought she was unconscious for about five or ten minutes before she phoned the police.

Back home at 3.30pm on Wednesday, she said: "I feel shaky, my head aches, and I want to go to bed but I'm relieved my baby is fine."

Anyone who saw a man, who was drenched and wearing a red Manchester United top, in the area on Wednesday morning is being urged to contact the police on 01908 723888.

A police artist took two-and-a-half hours to compile the photo-fit yesterday, with the help of the victim.

Press officer for West Mercia, Kim Stain said: "It is believed to be a very good likeness and we hope that anyone who recognises him or saw him on Wednesday, will contact us as soon as possible."

He is described as being 6ft, medium build with bushy eyebrows which meet in the middle. He has brown eyes, short black hair and olive skin and spoke with a Birmingham accent. Possibly in his 40's, the man looked dirty and scruffy.

Ms Coulson and her partner, 34-year-old Andy Pickering have only lived in the house for a few months after moving from a flat on the other side of town. Ms Coulson has another child, a daughter, who lives with her father.